
FROM THE NATIONAL CENTER FOR HEALTH STATISTICS  In recognition of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (December 3, 2020), we present estimates from the 2015–2016 National Study of Long–Term Care Providers (NSLTCP). (Note that starting in January 2020, NSLTCP was renamed the National Post-acute and Long-term Care Study (NPALS).) In 2016, 56.5% of residents […]

Listed at the following link are basic costs for people with Medicare. If you want to see and compare costs for specific health care plans, visit the Medicare Plan Finder. Medicare Plan Finders:

Nursing home administrators from across Georgia on Monday shared similar stories with Gov. Brian Kemp about the biggest challenge they have been struggling with throughout the pandemic: finding and keeping enough staff to care for their vulnerable residents. “There is a fatigue with our staff right now,” said Mark R. Todd, president and CEO of […]

When a person first becomes eligible for Medicare, it can be challenging to make sense of the information while navigating healthcare options. This A–Z article defines the most important Medicare terms relating to costs and expenses, as well as some terms that pertain to Medicare Advantage and prescription drug plans (PDPs).

A report out this month from the Government Accountability Office dives into how schools managed special education and services for English learners during the switch to distance learning in the spring of the 2019-2020 academic year, finding that by and large, they struggled.

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The committee generally agreed that health-care workers should get the first doses of vaccine because of the risks to them and their patients and because they play a crucial role in fighting the coronavirus. Vulnerable long-term care residents also are in this first group, though members debated their situation at some length. Essential workers, including […]

Almost anything you want to know about Social Security Disability is at this link: If you have questions regarding how Social Security determines whether a condition is disabling, you can check the Social Security Blue Book at  

The answer to “what is my property worth” depends on how we look at the situation. If we’re talking about fair market value, the traditional definition is stated in the IRS regulations. There, “fair market value” is defined as “the price at which the property would change hands between a willing buyer and a willing seller, […]

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