
Open Enrollment 2023

Medicare Open Enrollment for 2023 is just around the corner. For Medicare health and drug plans, Open Enrollment is October 15 through December 7, 2023. During the Open Enrollment Period, you can: Join, drop, or switch to another Medicare Advantage Plan (or add or drop drug coverage). Switch from Original Medicare to a Medicare Advantage […]

Listed at the following link are basic costs for people with Medicare. If you want to see and compare costs for specific health care plans, visit theย Medicare Plan Finder. Medicare Plan Finders:

When a person first becomes eligible forย Medicare, it can be challenging to make sense of the information while navigating healthcare options. This Aโ€“Z article defines the most important Medicare terms relating to costs and expenses, as well as some terms that pertain to Medicare Advantage and prescription drug plans (PDPs).

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The following link is usually updaetd annually, but it includes all 2020 co-pays and deductibles. You will need to scroll to the bottom of the page and open specific links to see co-pays for certain services:ย has a page telling you which Medicare Supplement standardized plans offer which benefits. That page is located atย A note on that page states: “As of January 1, 2020, Medigap plans sold to new people with Medicare aren’tย allowed to cover the Part B deductible. Because of this, Plans C and Fย are notย available to people […]

This issue comes up when an individual is eligible for Medicare, but also has other coverage. It’s known as “coordination of benefits.” The answer is, it depends on the type of coverage you have. For example, if you have Medicare and Medicaid, then Medicare always pays first. Medicaid would only pay the amount remaining after […]

Generally, no. It’s illegal to sell you a marketplace policy if you have Medicare. Section 1882(d) of the Social Security Act makes it illegal to knowingly sell duplicate coverage to a Medicare beneficiary. If you already have a marketplace policy before you sign up for Medicare, then you can keep your marketplace policy. However, any […]

Does Medicare pay for all of my health care? No. Medicare only pays for covered goods and services. In fact, there are many co-pays and deductibles. The 2016 co-pays are at the following link: The 2017 numbers have not been finalized yet, but when they are, they should be posted at the same link. […]

When can you get Medicare? You can sign up for Medicare during the initial enrollment period, which begins 3 months before the month you turn 65, continues through the month you turn 65 and for an additional three months thereafter. In other words, the initial open enrollment period is 7 months. If you do not […]


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