2016 Conference

On February 12 and 13, 2016, the Elder Law Practice hosted a conference on Understanding Dementia, and on Representing Individuals with Diminished and Diminishing Capacity.Dr. Peter V. Rabins

The first day was open to all professionals and community members. The link for that program is: https://www.mcguffey.net/2016conference.

The second day was for lawyers. The link for that program is: https://www.mcguffey.net/dalton-conference-2016.

If you are interested in participating in our 2017 Conference, or if you want more information, contact Melinda Byers.



How Can We Help?

If you would like to know more about how our firm can serve you, we invite you to call us at 800-241-8755 or fill out the “How Can We Help” form on any page on this website. If you hire us, our goals are to solve the problems  you entrust to us and to provide peace of mind.


Preferred Initial Meeting